4 uses for old coffee beans
What to do with old whole coffee beans, here share you 4 uses for old coffee beans:

As a coffee lover, especially if you brew your own coffee, you all know that coffee achieves its best freshness within a few days after roasting, and the best flavor within 1 month after roasting. Many, different storage methods, and some may have no flavor at all.

You may ask, how come the coffee beans have been kept for so long, and they have been drank before the flavor deteriorates, but there are always some situations, such as picking up too many beans during activities, and also Some friends want to try all kinds of flavors, they all buy them back, or they are all kinds of beans sent by friends.

This old coffee beans that have been left for a long time are the same as the coffee grounds left behind when brewing coffee, many of us just throw them away, thinking they are useless, in fact it can still be used for other purposes, the following is the old 4 uses of coffee beans.

1. Garnish with coffee beans
Old coffee beans can make amazing decorations in your home, you can also create art and crafts to decorate your home or give to your coffee lover friends, the world's largest coffee bean mosaic works using 100 With 10,000 coffee beans, it would be fun to make something yourself.

2. Make Chocolate Coffee Beans
    While those old coffee beans aren't enough to make coffee, they're still edible. It can be expensive to buy chocolate-covered espresso beans from the store, but they are delicious! Homemade chocolate-covered espresso beans are easy to make, just melt the chocolate over low heat, blend the espresso together, and pour them on a tray. Wait for them to cool and you'll have a delicious snack.

3. Coffee Compost
Whether you use old coffee beans or used coffee grounds, they can be composted, just toss them into your compost bin and let them decompose along with the rest of your compost, creating fertile soil for your plants.

 4. Used as a dye
 Those old coffee beans are ground and brewed to make a natural dye. You can control the color result by brewing strength, espresso will produce a darker brown, while light coffee will produce a light brown. After brewing the coffee, pour it into a pot and bring to a boil, throw in your fabric and stir it to make sure it is fully soaked, let the fabric sit for at least an hour, rinse the fabric with cold water until the water runs clear, Finally, soak the fabric in cold water with vinegar for ten minutes to fix the dye, and it is ready to use after drying.

So, these old coffee beans are still useful, and these wonderful uses will help you save money and improve the environment.

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